The gates of doom will open on 28.09.2024!

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Opening hours

Our calendar provides a useful overview of our opening hours on weekdays, Sundays and holidays, so that you can plan your stay at Hollywood in Germany perfectly. You can find daily updated shows in the Movie Park Germany app.

Agenda For This Day
Sorry, we are not open!
Our studio doors are not open today. Please choose another day!
No more tickets available!
It is currently not possible to buy tickets for this day. Please visit us on another day!
All show times in the app!
You can find a daily updated overview of our shows in our Movie Park App.
Select the day for your visit.
Please, select a day to show you all the events we have for you.
 Special Events this month 

¹Halloween Horror Festival

²Movie Park's Hollywood Christmas

Changes and errors excepted

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Day ticket from 

€ 29,90