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Movie Park Germany

Your 360 degree video!

captivr turns your intergalactic mission into a 360 degree experience!

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World first: customized 360-degree video for Starfleet Academy cadets!

captiVR is a state-of-the-art way to record your on-ride videos in 360 degrees. Simply download the app to your cell phone and create your own 360-degree recording.

     externer Link zu captivr

That’s how it works

  • Scan the QR code on one of our posters
  • Continue on the WebApp or download our app
  • Scan the QR code shortly before boarding the train (rows 1-5)
  • Confirm that you want to be filmed in one or both seats
  • Store your cell phone safely in the station locker during the journey
  • After the journey (approx. 5-10 min) you will receive a trailer on your captivr app and can then decide whether you want to buy the whole video
  • Buy the video in the app or at the Federation Plaza Store checkout
  • Share your video directly

external link to captivr